MSc work underway.

Well at last the MSc course that I’ve started with Robert Gordon University is under way.

The first moduleĀ is on Evidence Based Practice. I know that there has been a great deal of emphasis on Randomised Controlled Trials, that many see as unsuitable for hypnotherapy research. But, happily, I have found that there is a whole spectrum of research formats that can be used in developing an Evidence Based Practice.

I took part in my second on-line tutorial last night. We discussed the topic of Ethics in research and how it has changed over the years.
I’m looking forward to bringing more the theory and practical strategies, being taught on the course, into my own practice.

Some of the techniques that have been around for a long time are being tested and new technology is helping to show quantifiable links, through scanning the brain while applying those techniques. I think that the saying “We live in interesting times” will be applicable to many camps in the world of Psychological Therapies!